Here’s to 2024 and looking ahead to 2025.

tnAchieves seeks to be humble but ambitious, disruptive yet intentional, and student-focused while also data-driven.

We want to stay true to mission, understanding that the organization must also continuously evolve to best serve students and families. Over the last 17 years, we have broken some things (in a great way!!). We have also built many things, and we have created something that stems from the idea that a college credential can be a powerful equalizer.

We are unique in a number of ways. Our scale sets us apart. Honestly, I do not know of another program that works with this many students annually. Our numbers are significant. This means we not only affect the one student, but we can also move communities, even systems, when we get it right.

And we are getting it right.

Our college completion and retention numbers are at an all-time high thanks to the suite of targeted programs we offer our students.

TN Promise provides a solid foundation for every student while our COMPLETE Coaching and Grants, summer programs and access work allow us to dig deeper with the students who need additional support to find success. These student-focused programs are working; see below for highlights of COMPLETE’s impact.

Statistically, our students are often considered underdogs. Full of pluck and potential, the odds are, in many cases, stacked against them. I am always amazed at how encouragement, nudging, mentorship, or small amounts of funding become game changers. We have found that once you know a student and tap into their determination, it levels the playing field.

Our end goal is to arm more students with the degrees and credentials necessary to launch and maintain high-quality careers with economic mobility. That often starts by helping students overcome intimidating milestones like filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

We know our students are more prepared. We understand our role in building Tennessee’s future workforce. At a time when many question the value and importance of higher education, tnAchieves continues to counter with programs that increase college access and completion, leading to a more engaged Tennessee workforce.

We cannot thank you enough for your support as we work to move the needle. We simply could not do this without you.

With sincere gratitude and excitement for 2025!

Krissy DeAlejandro
President & CEO, tnAchieves


Press Release: tnAchieves Announces 2025 Team tnAchieves Members


Winter 2024 Newsletter